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1.  Little League allows an Adult Coach to warm up pitchers (during Regular Season only).

2. Once the catcher is ready and heading to the plate, the adult coach needs to return to the dugout. 

3. Pitch Counts will be strictly adhered to.

a.     Ages 9-10:          75 Pitches per Day

b.     Ages 11-12:        85 Pitches per Day

4. Pitchers must adhere to the following rest requirements:

a.         1-20 pitches:               0 Days rest

b.         21-35 pitches:             1 Day rest

c.         36-50 pitches:             2 Days rest

d.         51-65 pitches:             3 Days rest

e.         66+ pitches:                4 Days rest

5. A player who played the position of catcher for 3 innings or less, moves to the pitcher position, and delivers 21 pitches or more MAY NOT return to the catcher position that calendar day.

6. If the pitcher reaches the 20-pitch limit while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch, AND maintain their eligibility to return to the catcher position until any one of the following conditions occur: (1) that batter reaches base; (2) that batter is retired; (3) the third out is made to complete the half-inning or the game; or (4) the pitcher is removed from the mound prior to the batter completing his/her at-bat.

7. A pitcher removed from the mound CANNOT return as pitcher.

8. A pitcher’s pitch count for the purposes of day(s) rest threshold is determined by the 1st pitch thrown to a batter.

9. Under no circumstances shall a player pitch in three (3) consecutive days.

10. No Defensive coaches outside the dugout.  All Defensive coaches must remain in the dugout. 

11. There is NO on deck circle.  Players must remain in the dugout until it is their turn to bat.

12. Teams will bat their entire roster.

13. The continuous batting order will be set prior to the start of the game and cannot be changed during the game unless a player shows up late (added to bottom of batting order) or a player leaves the game due to injury/removal from game for any reason.  No player may return to the game in any capacity unless approval is given by a league official.  When a player is injured, becomes ill OR must leave the game site after the start of the game, the team will SKIP OVER him/her when his/her time at bat comes up WITHOUT PENALTY.

14. 15 run rule is in effect: If the home or visiting team is ahead by 15 runs or more after 3 complete innings, the team that is ahead is declared the winner. 10 run rule is in effect: If the home team is ahead by 10 runs or more after 3 ½ innings or the visiting team is ahead by 10 runs or more after 4 complete innings the team ahead is declared the winner. 8 run rule is in effect:  If the home team is head by 8 runs or more after 4 ½ innings or the visiting team is ahead by 8 runs or more after 4 complete innings the team is declared the winner.

15..  Players may steal any base but may not leave the base prior to the pitch crossing home plate.

16.  Courtesy runner for catcher and pitcher only.  A Courtesy runner may only be used when there are two (2) outs.  With a continuous batting order, the courtesy runner must be the player in the batting order who made the last out.

17.  A player may only be intentionally walked by announcing such decision to the plate umpire one (1) time during the game.  This DOES NOT restrict a team from throwing four balls outside of the strike zone to this batter at another time during the game.

18.  All games shall have a 1 hour 30-minute time limit or 6 innings, whichever comes 1st. No new inning may start after 1hr 15 minutes. A new inning begins as soon as the third out is recorded in the prior inning.   The umpire will order the countdown clock to be started when ready, but play will not begin until rosters have been turned in.  The clock will not be stopped for any reason other than “Serious Injury.”  If we must call 911, it’s serious. The home team shall finish their at bat if losing at expiration of time or game ends if scoring winning run after expiration of time.  

19.  Games cannot end in a tie.  If tied, the 7th inning would be played as normal.  Beginning with the 8th inning, and each half inning thereafter, the offensive team shall begin its turn at bat with the player who is scheduled to bat last in that respective half inning being placed on 2nd base with 0 out.

20.  No manager, coach, or player shall at any time, whether from the bench or the playing field, make any move calculated to cause a balk or illegal pitch. The ability for a team to cheer for their batter or runners should not be restricted unless there is a definite intent to gain an unfair advantage as discussed in Rule 4.06(c). The chanting/cheering must be in good taste and be directed solely at their own team. A good rule of thumb is the chants/cheers may be as loud as the team desires if there is no crescendo or shrieking when the pitcher is delivering the pitch. No artificial noise making (i.e.- pounding on buckets, or fences or air horns) is allowed.

21. There will be a 5 run limit per inning. 

22. No drop 3rd strike. 



1.  Home team will provide the official score keeper- GAMECHANGER. Any questions for the umpires must be directed to the home team GameChanger.

2.  Visiting team will run the scoreboard- REQUIRED for EVERY GAME. If you are playing the last game of the night, please turn off the scoreboard. An adult must take a driver’s license up to the concessions and check out the scoreboard controller. Only an adult should be operating the scoreboard controller. Please make sure to keep the controller out of the rain. Once the game is complete, you MUST return the scoreboard controller to concessions to retrieve your driver’s license.

3.  It will be both teams’ responsibility to make sure their scores are input into their team GameChanger.

4. Only those that have had a background check completed through Spring Hill Little League are allowed on any fields and/or dugouts at Spring Hill Little League. If anyone wants to help during practices they MUST go onto our website and sign up as a volunteer.




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