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1.  Games consist of a 5-innings or 60-minute time limit. No new inning after 50-minute time.  

2.  Maximum 5 runs or 3 outs per inning

3.  A total of 5 swings (3-coach pitch, 2 off the tee).  After 3 pitches, the batter must take his 2 remaining swings from the tee.  If the batter hits the tee, it is considered part of the ball and called a foul.  No at bat can end on a foul ball. 

4.  On any ball hit off the tee, the batter-runner and any runner(s) on base may only be allowed one base.  Play stops once all runner(s) and the batter-runner reach their next base after the hit ball from the tee.  The Batter-runner and/or any base runner(s) are subject to be put out by a tag or force play.  No advancement is allowed on overthrown balls from hits off the tee by any runner(s).  

5.  All players will bat, and the batting order must be continuous. 

6.  All players will play in the field defensively, but only 5 can be allowed in the infield at traditional baseball positions. 

7.  Only 1 base will be allowed for any runners on any misplayed thrown ball by the defense, and each runner advances at his/her own risk to the next base.  If a runner overruns the next base, the runner is subject to be tagged out.  If any runner(s) tries to advance to an additional base after a misplayed thrown ball, time will be called immediately, stopping play and all runners must return to the base allowed before time was called.  No more than 1 base may be acquired from 1 misplayed thrown ball.  If there is another misplay on a thrown ball, runners may advance 1 base from the time of throw, at their own risk of being put out.  All other baseball rules apply (interference, running out of their baseline to avoid a tag, passing a preceding runner, etc.). 

8.  A controlled ball by any defensive player in the pitcher’s circle and/or the stopping of the lead runner by the defense at any base, shall stop play, unless the batted ball is fielded within the pitcher’s circle.  In this case, the defense must make a play and/or stop the lead runner from advancing. 

9.  Time is called when the lead runner is stopped, regardless of which player has possession.  The offense cannot initiate a play by any following runners to try to get the lead runner to advance.  If time is called by the umpire, any runner(s) not more than halfway to a base, must return to the base last touched.   

10. No lead offs or steals.

11. Any inning started must be completed, unless the home team is winning, and all batters have batted at least once in the game. 

12. Only Two coaches may coach the players in the outfield on defense.  They must stay in the outfield grass.  One coach is allowed right outside their dugout while their team is on defense. One adult coach much be in dugout with the players.

13. There must be a defensive coach behind the plate to retrieve balls. It is NOT the umpire’s responsibility to run down baseballs. They must be paying attention to the game.

14. The pitching coach must leave fair ball territory during plays. NO coaching can be done until the coach is in foul territory.                                                                    

15.  The player pitcher must have 1 foot in the dirt, even with the pitching rubber, until the ball is hit, and wear a face mask.

16. The coach/pitcher is responsible for getting the bat and tee off the field when the ball is hit.

17. Only the base coaches at 1st and 3rd base and the pitching coach are permitted outside the dugout.  The 4th coach must remain inside the dugout, with the gate closed during play. 

18.  If a ball is hit to the pitcher’s mound or to the left side of the field, a player must make a throw attempt to 1st base, if the play is at first base, and shall not run-down runner at 1st.

19. If a batted ball strikes the pitching coach, it is considered a dead ball, and the batter shall take 1st base. Any runners currently on base will advance one spot only.


1.  Home team will provide the official score keeper- GAMECHANGER. Any questions for the umpires must be directed to the home team GameChanger.

2.  Visiting team will run the scoreboard- REQUIRED for EVERY GAME. If you are playing the last game of the night, please turn off the scoreboard. An adult must take a driver’s license up to the concessions and check out the scoreboard controller. Only an adult should be operating the scoreboard controller. Please make sure to keep the controller out of the rain. Once the game is complete, you MUST return the scoreboard controller to concessions to retrieve your driver’s license.

3. Only those that have had a background check completed through Spring Hill Little League are allowed on any fields and/or dugouts at Spring Hill Little League. If anyone wants to help during practices they MUST go onto our website and sign up as a volunteer.



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